New Lily

Instead of Running…Go for a Walk!!!

Walking gets endorphins going too!

I am walking more lately… and  enjoying it! I walk at night with my husband, James.  I walk while my daughter (#5) runs (see My Workouts). I also walk during some of my runs.  All of this walking has got me thinking…is walking just as good an exercise as running?  The answer to that question, I believe, is that it depends. Lots of us believe that because we are more likely to burn more calories running than walking, that running is better.  However, as I find myself smack dab in the middle of my 45th year of life…I believe better is relative. [Read more…]

Five Blogs I Have Recently Enjoyed

It's Friday!

It’s Friday and I am posting links to five websites I have recently read and enjoyed. Do you have any others you want to share?

1. Run Blogger. This site is about all things running and since the author has a degree in anatomy, it also has some great information about the benefits of running and a fitness lifestyle. He also writes a lot about gear, especially running shoes and most recently wrote a post about the minimalist shoe movement in running. Interesting stuff…check it out! [Read more…]

Sometimes Life Trumps Fitness

It can be slow getting back to fitness after a break

When I think about my life of fitness, I don’t necessarily think about what I do each day, but the accumulated whole. If I thought about the daily doses of exercise, I think I would drive myself crazy trying to fit something in each day. It’s the big picture that is important. Sometimes life gets in the way of the daily stuff and we just can’t get it done. The last few days have been like that for me. [Read more…]

My Fitness Evolution

When I first began exercising regularly (not counting my high school track days or even my college days with my walk-man plugged into my ears), the concept of rest, weight training, or core workouts were foreign. Now, about 20 years later, things have changed and I realize that the way I look at fitness has evolved. The biggest changes I have made are to rest more, to cross-train, to change things up, and to improve my nutrition. [Read more…]

Looking Back on 9 Kid Fitness in 2011

Finishing up our first year at 9 Kid Fitness, I want to thank all of you who have visited our site, contributed with comments, and just checked in with us via Facebook and Twitter. Launching last March, my hope was to engage with others who are trying to make fitness a priority in their very busy lives. Thank you for being a part of the 9 Kid Fitness community, and I hope that we will continue to find support and encouragement from each other in 2012! Today I would like to look back over the last year and highlight nine of the most visited posts at 9 Kid Fitness:

1. Me vs. Victoria’s Secret I take on the image of women that Vicoria’s Secret portrays in their holiday commercials (among other things).

2. When I Run I Feel His Pleasure Many of us Feel God’s presence when we run, and in this post I talk about how it felt for me. [Read more…]

I Got a Treadmill for Christmas!

My husband gave me a  treadmill for Christmas!  After talking to my kids about a “light” Christmas this year due to the economy, etc., I came home on the 23rd to a treadmill gracing our bedroom with a large red bow on top! So much for the light Christmas!  I have never owned a treadmill, and frankly, rarely run on one before.  I have had my “tried and true” Lifecycle for twenty years, and never really thought about owning a treadmill.  So it is a bit of a paradigm shift as I consider when I will use this new machine (my husband is still waiting for me to go for a run on it since he and the boys painstakingly got it up the stairs five days ago). Actually, as  a mom of nine, I certainly can think of multiple reasons to have a treadmill, the number one reason being convenience. [Read more…]

Endorphins Are Important This Time of Year

As I write this, I am feeling the after-effects of an early morning run with my friends Karrie and Susan…I feel calm, sharp, and ready for the day. Most of us know that exercise can help to calm us down, and  during the Christmas holidays, calmness is a rare emotion for many of us. Certain forms of exercise (jogging, cross country skiing, swimming, hiking, bicycling) require a fairly consistent repetitive motion that can alter one’s state of consciousness.  Described by some as “moving meditation”, the physiological effects of regular participation in these activities is very similar to what happens when one practices meditation.  Breathing and movement act as a mantra and may in part be responsible for the feelings of calmness and tranquility claimed by some in response to exercise. Physical activity also revs up our endorphins, our brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters. Although this function is often referred to as a runner’s high, any workout that raises our heart rate and is over 30 minutes can boost the endorphins. These endorphins go a long way to bring us a little peace of mind, to calm us, and to improve our mood. They have even been known to lower symptoms associated with mild depression. [Read more…]

A Funny Thing Happened on my Run This Morning!

A funny thing happened this morning on my run.  I had met my friend, Susan at about 5:40 and we ran six and a half miles, mostly in the dark.  When we parted ways, the sun was just coming up and I had about a half mile left before I got home.  I love this time of morning when it isn’t still dark, but it’s not yet light, either…things appear shadow-like.  [Read more…]

9 Cross Training Activites for Runners

SparkPeople is a great source for all things fitness and nutrition related. I came across this article about cross training the other day (the 9 in the title caught my attention at first) and realized that I was using the same cross training in my exercise regime as they were suggesting. Swimming was on the top of the list (unfortunately my shoulder is preventing me from doing it these days), and so was biking. Other activities included elliptical training (not my favorite…), cross country skiing (not easily done without snow), and indoor rowing. For more information on SparkPeople follow the link! What are your favorite cross training routines?

9 Cross Training Activites for Runners
The only way to become a better runner is to run, but the more running replaces other exercises in your fitness program, the more likely you are to become injured, suffer from burnout, or develop muscular imbalances. So what’s a runner to do (besides run, of course)? Cross train. [Read more…]

Nine Great Christmas Gifts for the Fitness-Minded

1. Personalized Water bottle. Whether we run, swim, do yoga or lift weights, we all drink water before, during, or after we workout…so a water bottle is something most fitness lovers always need! And buying bottled water is not a cheap way to go. Stainless steel bottles work well because they can be put into a dishwasher to clean and they are very durable. Try the Sophiefont water bottle from the Catholic Company (of course I am going to put a plug in for our company…but these are really good looking and totally unique)!

2. Garmin Watch. These are not cheap, but are great for the runners on your list, especially if they might be training for a race soon. I don’t have a Garmin, but most of my running buddies do and they love them (maybe a little too much) for keeping track of splits, mileage, and average pace per mile. Although I have always fancied myself as a purest who doesn’t even wear a watch much of the time, I have to admit to asking my friends for all the data their Garmins have collected on a run. [Read more…]