New Lily

9 Cross Training Activites for Runners

SparkPeople is a great source for all things fitness and nutrition related. I came across this article about cross training the other day (the 9 in the title caught my attention at first) and realized that I was using the same cross training in my exercise regime as they were suggesting. Swimming was on the top of the list (unfortunately my shoulder is preventing me from doing it these days), and so was biking. Other activities included elliptical training (not my favorite…), cross country skiing (not easily done without snow), and indoor rowing. For more information on SparkPeople follow the link! What are your favorite cross training routines?

9 Cross Training Activites for Runners
The only way to become a better runner is to run, but the more running replaces other exercises in your fitness program, the more likely you are to become injured, suffer from burnout, or develop muscular imbalances. So what’s a runner to do (besides run, of course)? Cross train. [Read more…]