New Lily

Meet Coach Dan… “I Can Do This”!

marathonI had the privilege of running six miles with Dan Finanger this morning. Dan served as executive race director of the Twin Cities Marathon from 2000 to 2004, and himself ran 20 marathons in 20 years. A natural coach and great story-teller, Dan knows how to motivate people. He was just the right person for me to run with as I begin my training for this year’s Marine Corps Marathon (October 2011). [Read more…]

Quote of the Week: “Vanity of Vanities, and All is Vanity”

Vanity of vanities, said Ecclesiastes,… and all things are vanity…”Ecclesiastes 1:2.

“We can’t take them with us when we die.” This is something we might think of in terms of our material possessions, yet it also pertains to something else as well…our bodies. If we are fitness enthusiasts we tend to care about our bodies…maybe too much at times. Yet, in terms of the spiritual world, they are fleeting too. I think it is good, every so often, to contemplate vanity. Its counterpart, pride, is said to be the root of all of our sins, and is one of the Seven Capital Sins. We can fall prey to this sin when we place too much importance on our appearance. Let’s face it, one of the main reasons most of us exercise is because of the way it makes us look. Sure, there are plenty of other good reasons; health, wellness, mental and emotional well-being, and so on. We all know that exercise keeps us strong and healthy throughout all the stages of our life. But the bottom line is that for many of us, the main motivator for working out is our physical appearance. The definition of vanity (often called vainglory) is excessive pride in one’s appearance. Also… clinging to things without solidity and permanence (such as physical beauty). [Read more…]

Fitting in a Workout While on Vacation

runnerI am writing this in the airport waiting for our return flight from Florida, where my husband (James) and I got away for four days. While there, we fit in some exercise. James is not the exercise enthusiast that I am, but he does like to run and is wonderfully supportive of me and my fitness “habits”. So while we were away, I ran three times (twice with James along Beach Road in Jupiter with beautiful ocean views, and once by myself for 8 hot, humid, and flat miles). I also went to a Kettlebell/TRX class taught by a friend, Josephine Bunn. Technically James and I did this together, since he dropped me off, went to Dunkin Donuts, and brought me coffee and a donut after the class (as I said, he is very supportive). Of course without our children with us, it was easy and fun to fit in a few workouts while on vacation. However, this is not our typical vacation (it was the first time we have gotten away for more than an overnight in 22 years). The other 99% of the time that we get away our children are with us. Yet, I still manage to squeeze in fitness most of the time. So with summer fast approaching, and the start of family vacations, I am sharing five ways to fit in a workout while away…or not! [Read more…]

Together We Are “16 Kid Fit”!

Sisters16 kids! That is how many children my sisters’ Susan, Elizabeth, and I have all together. When we get together, like we did last week when Elizabeth came to Charlotte to visit from California, it is nonstop fun for all of the cousins.

Athletics are a big part of all of our lives. Between the three families, we have quite a few sports covered…swimming, basketball, soccer, lacrosse, and cross country to name a few. There is always some event to watch, and last week it was my nephew’s AAU basketball game…very exciting! But the real excitement was on my sister Susan’s driveway, where a different kind of intense basketball took place… the cousin rivalry variety! It was Thomas, David, and Ben versus Adam, Charlie and Peter, and it was a thrillling nail-biter that came down to the wire. [Read more…]

Wounded Warrior Project…Great Races, Awesome Cause

wounded warriorI was completely inspired last October when I did the Marine Corps Marathon alongside some of the men and women who had recently served our country. Throughout the 26.2 miles, I saw signs for the Wounded Warrior Project. Intrigued, I did a little research when I came home. What I discovered was a cause worth racing for! [Read more…]

Five Reasons Exercise Makes Me a Better Mom

momHere are five quick and dirty reasons why I think exercise makes me a better mom. I will elaborate on each of these in the weeks to come, but for now…

1.Exercise enhances my mood.  Whether it’s the endorphins, the fresh air, or a good sweat, I almost always feel better after I exercise.  And when I feel better…I can be a better mom.  Exercise is also a stress reliever.  If I am tired, sluggish, or a little blue, running or working out usually gives me a new outlook. When I’m positive, my kids are more likely to be positive!  And if they are not…at least someone is!

2. Exercise keeps me sharp.  Brain functioning has been shown to improve with exercise.  Dr. John Ratey, a Harvard psychiatrist, has studied the relationship between the brain and exercise and the results are exciting. He explains how even a brisk walk can enhance brain function. “Exercise stimulates our gray matter to produce ‘Miracle-Gro’ for the brain,” he said. “I can’t understate how important regular exercise is in improving the function and performance of the brain,” he says. “It’s such wonderful medicine.”   [Read more…]


drill sergeant
MOVE is a word my sister-in-law is thinking about lately. I talked to her a few weeks ago on the phone and she told me that word is on her mind because she has decided to make it her axiom. It is her rallying cry to get her to …well…to Move.
Maybe we all need a little motto to do the things that we really don’t want to do. For her, it is making time for fitness. Whether lifting some free weights or going for a walk, she has decided that she needs to stop the excuses and get moving. So throughout the day she thinks …Move!

It made me wonder, what word could motivate me to do things I really don’t want to do? Could one word challenge me in the same way that the word move challenges my sister-in-law? I thought about it. I am a procrastinator. Whether it is the laundry piling up, the call to the insurance company I need to make, or getting the dogs to the vet, if I can put it off till later, I will! I use the excuse that I am too busy… I can’t possibly get to that now. The truth is that I will be “too busy” for a long time! So I have decided that my one-word motto is NOW. Get the laundry done Now. Call to make an appointment Now. Clean that closet Now. I am beginning to think there might be a little drill sergeant that tiny word!

What is your motto? Can you come up with one word that will challenge you to do something you know you should do, but don’t really want to? Share it with us!

Running for Life!

runnerEven before I became a runner, running was a part of my family’s life.  I can remember early Sunday mornings when my dad would return home from his weekend 12-mile run.  My sisters’ and I would greet him with a tall glass of iced tea. We would stand back and wait for him to finish the glass in one gulp, and then give us the “Lipton Iced Tea, ‘Ahhhhhh!'”  To me, that “Ah” was the reward for hard work.

When I think about all the years of running I’ve logged, I realize there have been different seasons in my life that have allowed for various levels of effort. Through it all, though, there has been a certain satisfaction that is the natural result of hard work.  After I got married and we had our first two children, I enjoyed racing and pushing myself. I had the benefit of youth on my side (although I know I didn’t truly appreciate it then), and could run a lot of miles pushing a baby jogger. Running mostly 10Ks, I was able to train hard and I even squeezed out a sub 40-minute 10K for a personal best. I would often meet a friend of mine, Greg, at a track near the hospital where he worked, to do interval training. I recall one workout he named “Zeus” after doing it with a man that was more like a Greek god than a human!  Those days I could manage tough workouts without feeling totally zapped of my energy the rest of the day. [Read more…]

Quote of the Week: Always Upward!

pier-frassatiQuote of the Week: Verso l’Alto…Always Upward! Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati

I have always been fascinated by Pope John Paul II. What many people don’t know about this incredible man of God, is that he was a fine athlete and outdoorsman as well. Even during the early years of his papacy, John Paul II was hiking, swimming, and running. He was criticized, in fact, for jogging in the Vatican Gardens, since tourists could see him from the top of the dome of St. Peters. When he was questioned about the cost of installing a pool so he could swim laps in the summer, he said, “It’s cheaper than a new conclave”. [Read more…]

An Insane Workout!

kickboxing I did the Insanity DVD (from workout this morning with my sister, Susan, at the gym. Some of the gym members meet at 6 a.m. every morning to do a P90X or Insanity workout. I have done P90X at home, but Insanity? I just don’t think I would do this kind of thing at home. Not because of the format, but because of the kind of workout it is. Imagine a calisthenics class with a boot camp instructor yelling and motivating you in a school gym with a bunch of VERY fit people alongside him, looking way too happy…! [Read more…]