New Lily

About 100 Days Until June 1st…Six Ways to Get Ready!

Summer is closer than you think!

There are just over 100 days until June 1st! While we may feel like it’s still the dead of winter, spring is actually just around the corner (after all today’s the 20th of February and March 20th marks the first official day of spring), and summer follows shortly after that… Time to get motivated!

Pretty soon we will see magazines in the grocery store checkout aisles claiming swimsuit weather is coming…and while that may be true, there is more to it than that. Winter months can sometimes bring the blues and we can lack motivation. For many of us, winter is a time of comfort food and big clothes. Today I am wearing a long skirt and a sweater, for instance. It’s easy to hide ourselves in winter clothes, and oftentimes (although I hate to admit the magazines are right), spring and summer seem to sneak up and surprise us.

So with 100 days before the start of the summer months, it is a good time to check ourselves so as not to be taken by surprise when the warmer months suddenly show up! The following are six tips to make sure we are getting ready for the approaching summer months: [Read more…]

Five Blogs I Have Recently Enjoyed

It's Friday!

It’s Friday and I am posting links to five websites I have recently read and enjoyed. Do you have any others you want to share?

1. Run Blogger. This site is about all things running and since the author has a degree in anatomy, it also has some great information about the benefits of running and a fitness lifestyle. He also writes a lot about gear, especially running shoes and most recently wrote a post about the minimalist shoe movement in running. Interesting stuff…check it out! [Read more…]

Looking Back on 9 Kid Fitness in 2011

Finishing up our first year at 9 Kid Fitness, I want to thank all of you who have visited our site, contributed with comments, and just checked in with us via Facebook and Twitter. Launching last March, my hope was to engage with others who are trying to make fitness a priority in their very busy lives. Thank you for being a part of the 9 Kid Fitness community, and I hope that we will continue to find support and encouragement from each other in 2012! Today I would like to look back over the last year and highlight nine of the most visited posts at 9 Kid Fitness:

1. Me vs. Victoria’s Secret I take on the image of women that Vicoria’s Secret portrays in their holiday commercials (among other things).

2. When I Run I Feel His Pleasure Many of us Feel God’s presence when we run, and in this post I talk about how it felt for me. [Read more…]

I Got a Treadmill for Christmas!

My husband gave me a  treadmill for Christmas!  After talking to my kids about a “light” Christmas this year due to the economy, etc., I came home on the 23rd to a treadmill gracing our bedroom with a large red bow on top! So much for the light Christmas!  I have never owned a treadmill, and frankly, rarely run on one before.  I have had my “tried and true” Lifecycle for twenty years, and never really thought about owning a treadmill.  So it is a bit of a paradigm shift as I consider when I will use this new machine (my husband is still waiting for me to go for a run on it since he and the boys painstakingly got it up the stairs five days ago). Actually, as  a mom of nine, I certainly can think of multiple reasons to have a treadmill, the number one reason being convenience. [Read more…]

My Take on the “No Pain, No Gain” Theory

I read an article recently about busting some of the myths of exercise. One of these myths was the “No pain, No gain” theory. The writer was referring to the false idea that in order to gain anything from exercise, a workout needed to hurt. It doesn’t, he explained. Most people understand this; we know that exercise shouldn’t “hurt” us. When we workout, we should not push past pain that could result in injury or exacerbate soreness or pain that could lead to injury. That being said, the proverbial phrase “No pain, No gain” is a true and significant one if we want to improve ourselves through exercise. [Read more…]

Dedication Miles, Running with a Purpose, and Throwing Caution to the Wind

ifeet runningmagesI’m leaving for Washington, DC tomorrow and will run the Marine Corps Marathon on Sunday. Trying to dismiss the hamstring pain that seems to now be creeping around my hip, I thought I would re-read a favorite book, “Born to Run”, to get psyched up and forget my soreness for a while. I should have remembered the kind of emotion the book evoked from me the last time I read it, but just like that time, I got sucked into the way Christopher McDougall tells a story. If you haven’t read his book , I highly recommend it, whether you consider yourself a runner or not.

This time, though, I realized that one of the reasons I enjoyed reading his book so much was the intriguing people he wrote about. They are not like most of us, who, while we all may be a little nuts, are definitely more sane than crazy. The characters (real in every way) in McDougalls’s book are definitely not afraid of pushing themselves and living on the edge…the closer to it the better. These are people who run for long distances (way longer than 26.2 miles) for the fun of it…literally. FOR THE FUN OF IT! I guess we can all live a little vicariously through these wild runners who seem to throw caution to the wind.
[Read more…]

For Fitness Goals, There is no Room for Instant Gratification

There is no room for instant gratification when it comes to fitness. We live in a world that is driven by instant results; cell phones, computers, cars, even cooking, can deliver results immediately. But when it comes to our exercise goals, we need to kick the instant gratification need out the door. My friend Alan Tyson, physical therapist and owner of Architech Sports and Physical Therapy, works with lots of athletes and deals with injuries often, and with those who are trying to get back into action. He knows that most of us want results quickly, but he also knows that sometimes the long term outlook is crucial to success. [Read more…]

Why Fall is the Best Time to Restart a Fitness Plan

It takes about 30 days for your body to adapt to a new lifestyle change.  In other words, after working out consistently for about a month, your body really starts to feel it as something habitual.  It just so happens, I believe, that one month is about the time it takes for us to see real change in our bodies from working out (either from starting up from nothing, or changing up the routine.)  Why is that important to know?  Because this is the best time of year to make a change and stick with it.

So many of us think of January 1st. as the start of new resolutions, however, the following are six reasons I think the fall is the best time to begin fitness resolutions.

1. The Weather It is cooler and less humid in late October, and therefore perfect conditions for running and exercising outdoors.  We sweat less and typically also fatigue slower, due to these changes in the weather. This makes it an ideal time to push ourselves a little harder and not worry so much about the heat index or dehydration, etc. [Read more…]

9 Kid Friday’s…Five Favorites

The following are five website/blogs on fitness, nutrition, family wellness, or health in general that I think others might also find interesting, informative, or just plain fun to read. Oftentimes I will read something and think how I want to share it with my readers at 9 Kid Fitness, and I thought this would be one way to pass on other’s good ideas and great sites. I will post a new set each Friday. [Read more…]

Hot Sweaty Mamas!

Having just finished the book, Hot Sweaty Mamas: Five Secrets to Life as a Fit Mom by Kara Thom and Laurie Kocanda, I am struck by something. As a twin, I have had the fortune in life to have another person who thinks just like I do. This sounds like a trite statement, but it is a profound thing. My twin sister doesn’t even have to say anything, I just know how she feels and what she means when she says something, and she feels the same way about me. I believe it is a gift; a “twin thing”, and I really didn’t think I would ever experience it outside of this “twin language”. This book has proved me wrong. [Read more…]