New Lily

2013 New Year’s Resolutions

My family’s experience with cancer last year has a lot to do with this year’s New Year’s resolutions….

Happy New Year!  I hope and pray that 2013 will be a wonderful year for all.  That is what I hoped and prayed for last year as well.  In fact, last year at this time I had no idea what was looming just around the bend.  I didn’t know that in less than two months time my husband of 24 years would be diagnosed with stage IV cancer.  I didn’t know that it would be a year of visits to the doctor’s office and to the hospital…to the chemotherapy infusion room and the radiation oncology facility.  What a difference a year makes. [Read more…]

The Biggest Loser…a Motivator or a Downer for Those Needing to Lose Weight?

According to a recent study, some people are actually turned off by watching the “extreme”exercise on a show like The Biggest Loser.

A recent study showed interesting results after participants watched The Biggest Loser.  Although we might believe that The Biggest Loser would motivate those who need to lose a lot of weight, the study revealed that the opposite might be true.  Watching “extreme exercise” seemed to create a negative feeling about working out for those who need to lose weight… possibly because of the extreme fitness required of those profiled in the show.

In the study, 138 undergraduate students from the University of Alberta (Canada)  were split into two groups. One group watched a seven-minute clip – chosen for its extreme depiction of exercise – from early in The Biggest Loser’s ninth season, when competitors were struggling with obesity. A control group watched a segment from the reality show American Idol. [Read more…]

Life is Difficult…So “Never, Never, Never Give Up”

“Life is difficult”. I remember reading that first line of the book by M. Scott Peck The Road Less Travelled when I was about 18 years old. Peck’s premise was that once we realize this reality, we are not bound to the false notion that this life should be easy. Perhaps Naval Lieutenant Bradley Snyder understands this better than most. Snyder, who won gold last week in the Paralympic Games, was robbed of his vision while serving in Afghanistan twelve months ago. Yet the fact that his life suddenly became a lot more difficult has not deterred him from pursuing his dreams. [Read more…]

How to Be Your Own Cheerleader

Motivation is relative.. .You can ask me about fitness, but please don’t ask me about organization!

I often get asked  how it is that I remain motivated to stay in shape.  Frankly I am always a little confused on how to answer this question because I think it is relative.  I am highly motivated when it comes to exercise…but that is mostly because I actually like to exercise!  It really isn’t a chore for me to workout…I not only  enjoy the results of doing it, I really love doing it!  I realize that this is not true for everyone.  For some people, working out is a chore, it’s a real effort, and it can be very tedious.  I understand these feelings however, because while that is not at all how I feel in regards to fitness, I totally relate to feeling that way about many other things.  For instance, getting organized  is a chore for me. Trying to get my schedule in order or even all the things in my house in order is a monumental effort.  Other people I know thrive on organization.  They are whizzes with a calendar, never forget a birthday, and have all their cabinets categorized.  While staying organized is fun for them (maybe because they are good at it), for me it is forever frustrating! [Read more…]

What Would You do if You had the Chance at an “About-Face” Change?

keep-calm-its-only-induction-dayWe dropped off our son Thomas (#3) at the United States Naval Academy for Induction Day (I-Day) last Thursday.  I have walked on the grounds of the Naval Academy many times and I have had the privilege of seeing West Point as well.  Whenever I am there I always have some vague sense of envy as I see these young people around the “yard” .  [Read more…]

Part 4 of 4; Comparing Some Trends in Fitness…A Final Analysis

Time to weigh in on some of the newer trends in fitness.

I recently wrote about some of the newer trends in fitness – P90X, CrossFit, and Pure Barre, and have come up with my own opinion in a kind of “final analysis” blog post. For the sake of simplicity, I have looked at each kind of exercise in terms of four things: how easy and convenient it is to use and keep using, how thorough a workout it is (all-body), how costly it is, and how effective it is (physical results). While some of these things are harder to measure than others, I believe that my own experiences with them, coupled with my conversations with many others who use them, have given me insight so that I can come up with a fair analysis. For each category, I will look at the various types of exercise, and then rate them 1-3 (1 being the lowest and a 3 being the highest). [Read more…]

Part 2 of 4: Comparing Some Trends in Fitness; CrossFit!

Cory...the instructor at my first ever Cross Fit class...and yes, he is suspended in mid-air!

“Does your workout make you nervous?…It should.”  -CrossFit Quote

Continuing my series about trends in fitness, I write today about CrossFit.  As an athlete, I am intrigued by CrossFit because I can immediately see the challenge it poses. [Read more…]

Part 1 of 4…Comparing Some Trends in Fitness; P90X!

Tony Horton P90X

Trends are not only for fashion…we see them in the world of fitness as well.  Some fade, like stirrup pants and shoulder pads, and others stand the test of time. While I believe that when it comes to fitness, there is more than one way to skin the cat, most of the workouts that are currently popular share a few of the same characteristics.

I have always been curious about which kinds of workouts are the most effective and why people choose them.  P90X, Cross Fit, and Pure Barre, are three currently popular “trends” in fitness routines.  While they are actually very different types of workouts, they share a common purpose…fitness that is effective and brings about a change in the body.  When I talk to people who do one of these types of exercise programs, I hear many of the same things…they do them because they “see results. [Read more…]

In the End, Exercise is a Decision

Like so many things in life, exercise involves a decision

A recent article I read mentioned a study that looked at motivation and exercise. The results of the study were not only interesting but also confirmed what I have thought about exercise for a long time…that we fluctuate in our motivation to exercise, sometimes even on a weekly basis. Researchers from Penn State University recruited 33 college students and assessed over a ten-week period both the students’ weekly intentions to be physically active and their activity levels. During each of the ten weeks, participants were instructed to log on to a website and to rate their intentions to perform physical activity for the week ahead. To assess physical activity, participants were instructed to wear pedometers each day for the first four weeks.  The team found that for many of the participants, the motivation to exercise fluctuated on a weekly basis, and these fluctuations were linked to their behavior. The results appear in the current issue of the Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology. [Read more…]

MIT’s Help to Keep me From Spinning my Wheels

I have not had a lot of energy lately and I have gotten stuck spinning my wheels. A bug (flu-like) hit our house and some recent health news about a family member have kept me from a goal oriented attitude daily. But spinning my wheels is not getting me anywhere! I need to rethink my daily tasks to get me back on track. One way to do this is to think about my MIT’s each day. I remember reading about this and implementing it in my life a few years ago…but since then I have lost sight of this practical habit. What are MIT’s? Most Important Tasks of the day. By thinking about two or three MIT’s every morning and writing them down, I am telling myself that no matter what else I do today, these are the tasks I must accomplish. [Read more…]