New Lily

Have You Tried this Super Food…Chia Seeds?

Chia seed gel

If you don’t think you have heard of chia seeds, you probably know them from the popular “Chia Pet” that used to be advertised on TV. Actually chia seeds have been used for hundreds of years by native American cultures as a “super food”. There are many health benefits to the seeds (either in gel form or dry) such as improving digestion, slowing the breakdown of carbohydrates into sugar, and prolonging energy and endurance. In addition, chia seeds are a good source of antioxidants, calcium, fiber, protein, and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Incorporating these little seeds into our diet is a healthy and smart thing to do.
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Are You Eating Enough Vegetables?

We need a lot more veggies than we think!

Are you getting enough veggies?  If you are like most Americans, the answer is likely no!  Including more vegetables is probably the most difficult nutritional change for most people to make.  However, according to Run Smart nutritionist Alica Shay, if we do not eat at least 1/3 the volume of our lunch and dinner as vegetables, it is really easy to overeat and very difficult to get enough nutrients through food.  “It is simply not possible to optimize health and recovery without the full spectrum of nutrients and antioxidants contained in vegetables, “ she says. [Read more…]

Looking Back on 9 Kid Fitness in 2011

Finishing up our first year at 9 Kid Fitness, I want to thank all of you who have visited our site, contributed with comments, and just checked in with us via Facebook and Twitter. Launching last March, my hope was to engage with others who are trying to make fitness a priority in their very busy lives. Thank you for being a part of the 9 Kid Fitness community, and I hope that we will continue to find support and encouragement from each other in 2012! Today I would like to look back over the last year and highlight nine of the most visited posts at 9 Kid Fitness:

1. Me vs. Victoria’s Secret I take on the image of women that Vicoria’s Secret portrays in their holiday commercials (among other things).

2. When I Run I Feel His Pleasure Many of us Feel God’s presence when we run, and in this post I talk about how it felt for me. [Read more…]

Vitamin D and Weight Loss (Among Other Things)

I saw a friend of mine yesterday who I haven’t seen in a long time.  She looked great, and said she has been feeling better recently than she has in years.  When I asked her what was different…if there was anything new in her life that could account for the difference in how she is feeling, she said vitamin D!  Her doctor had put her on an 8-week vitamin D surge and she couldn’t believe how great she felt.  It is always amazing to me how hearing someone’s personal experience makes so much more of an impact than simply reading or hearing about it from a health professional or the media.  [Read more…]

For Workout Recovery….Got Milk?

I have written at 9 Kid Fitness about when to choose a sports drink over water after a workout, but how about milk as recovery drink alternative? According to physical therapist Alan Tyson, low-fat milk is a great after exercise drink that is just as good, if not better, than many sports recovery drinks. It actually provides additional nutrients that are not present in commercial sports drinks.
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Sugar is Not Our Sweet Friend

SugarI recently caught the end of a radio show and heard an interview with a bio-chemist who was speaking about some of the ills of eating too much sugar. I wasn’t able to catch his name, but what he said about sugar really got me thinking. Labels on food packages reveal a lot more than just calories. If we look to see how many grams of sugar are in a serving, we can do some quick math to decide whether the count is high or low. According to the bio-chemist, we can divide the sugar content (grams per serving) by the number four and that will indicate the number in spoonfuls (tsp.) of sugar we are actually eating. Since I was almost home when I heard the interview, I decided to look in my own cabinets to test this out. I grabbed a box of granola bars and saw they have 12 grams of sugar per serving. If what he said is true, there are about three spoonfuls of sugar in one granola bar! [Read more…]

Post Thanksgiving Blitz

So we ate a little too much turkey and stuffing?  Still snacking on the leftover pumpkin pie (I am)? Feeling a little snug in those jeans?  That’s okay!  Don’t throw in the towel now and say you will wait to start over in the New year… start now!  I know I wrote about how to have a healthy Thanksgiving, but I also know that sometimes the day just gets the best of us! The following is a quick and dirty fitness/diet blitz to get you over the Thanksgiving weight gain and even a few pounds lighter before Christmas.  It really isn’t that hard.  Just follow a few dietary suggestions and do the following fitness routine over the next week or two and you can be well on your way to starting the Advent/Christmas season off on the right foot! [Read more…]

How to Have a Healthy Thanksgiving

For most of us, Thanksgiving is a time to splurge a little; and to forget about healthy eating for a day. However, it is possible to have a healthy Thanksgiving. The following are nine ways to make your day nutritious and tasty, while not giving up on the Feasting.

1. Remember that the purpose of Thanksgiving is to be grateful for all that we have. It is primarily a day of thanks, not gorging. Food is only one of the many things we have to be thankful for; don’t make it the focus of the day. Begin the day with church or with a family turkey-trot (most cities have them). Our family always plays a big game of football at a nearby field with other families. It’s a way to get outside, exercise and have a good time. [Read more…]

Can Coffee Aggravate Incontinence?

According to My Optimum, more than 13 million people in the United States — male and female, young and old — experience incontinence. Women experience incontinence twice as often as men. Pregnancy and childbirth, menopause, and the structure of the female urinary tract account for this difference. While sometimes surgery or other procedures might be required to treat this issue, oftentimes a first step (besides pelvic floor exercises) is our nutrition.  To quickly review the most common types of incontinence, the following is a brief recap: [Read more…]

Nine Reasons a Food Journal Can Help Nutritionally

I recently filled in a food journal for three consecutive days. I was surprised at how this exercise in discipline (writing down everything I ate) revealed habits that I wasn’t totally aware of. While I had never done this before, I think it can be very helpful in exposing some of the little (or big) problems with our nutritional habits. I did this because I just began a two-month nutrition consultation with sports nutritionist and world-class runner, Alicia Shay. Basically I’m hoping to increase my energy, feel better and improve my running performance. Regardless of whether it is for the purposes of “finding” more energy, losing weight, or simply becoming more conscious of what we are eating, the following are nine reasons I think a food journal can be helpful: [Read more…]