New Lily

Want to Keep Your Muscle? …What you Should Never Eat After a Workout

By Alan Tyson PT, ATC
Did you know that what you eat directly after exercising – typically within two hours can have a significant impact on the health benefits you reap from exercise?  Consuming sugar, fruit juices or refined carbohydrates within this post-exercise window will negatively affect both your insulin sensitivity and your human growth hormone (HGH).  A recent study in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that eating a low-carbohydrate meal after aerobic exercise enhances your insulin sensitivity.  This is highly beneficial since impaired insulin sensitivity or insulin resistance, is the underlying cause of type 2 diabetes and a significant risk factor for other chronic diseases, such as heart disease. [Read more…]

Why You Need to Know about ORAC for Optimal Health

I don’t know about you…but there are some nutritional terms that seem somewhat vague to me. They sound important, and I know they are, but I’m not necessarily sure exactly why. One of those terms is “antioxidants”. So when I read an article recently explaining why antioxidants are vital to our athletic performance, I was excited to finally understand more about them. I decided to copy the article for my 9 Kid Fitness readers as I think you will also be interested in the subject! … [Read more…]

An Update on My Vitamix

Yes, it’s worth it’s weight in gold. That’s what I can say at this point about my new Vitamix. When I first got it, I was all about the green smoothie. I kept tweaking it until I mastered it in taste and ingredients (at least my taste…my husband still isn’t a fan of the wheatgrass component). But I can now admit to be a true Vitamix cheerleader because I’ve finally gone beyond blending fruits and veggies for a smoothie or shake. Yesterday I made minestrone soup and apple cobbler with the machine…and both were delicious, and the best part…totally fresh! [Read more…]

Want to Add More Greens to Your Life?…Invest in a Blender

We just bought the VitaMix Blender… “the bomb” of blenders. It wasn’t cheap…not even close, but it’s already worth it after just a few days. We have had our share of other smoothie makers, juicers, and blenders and have had to throw them out after burning out the rubber, breaking a blade, or after one of the kids stuck a fork in it to see if it would “blend”. I have always wanted a heavy duty blender but frankly I just wouldn’t spend the money. Recently though my husband and I have decided to really put our money where our mouth is and start moving to a more raw food diet. We aren’t going fanatic on anyone, don’t worry. But we are trying to make some serious progress in becoming a more healthy family. The Vita Mix blender is one way to help with that process. So today I am asking others to share their opinions about blending and juicing and what kind of equipment they are using…whether it’s an inexpensive brand or you have to take out a second mortgage to pay for it. [Read more…]

Garlic is an Incredible Superfood

That wonderfully stinky garlic

Have you ever noticed how garlic can make almost anything taste better? The other night I wanted to cook some white fish, but when I opened the package I couldn’t believe how fishy it smelled! I crushed and chopped four cloves of garlic and sauteed them in a small amount of coconut oil, then put the fish in the pan. Within minutes the smell of fish was replaced by a wonderful aroma of garlic.

Garlic does a lot more than just improve flavor, though. First mentioned as a medicine about 6,000 years ago, garlic has been an important part of healing throughout the world. Even Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, used garlic to heal infections and reduce pain. It is now known as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antibacterial. Allicin, a compound in garlic that is also found in onions, accounts for it’s pungent smell and powerful cancer-protective punch. [Read more…]

Calorie Counting Isn’t the Way to Go

All calories are not created equal

Every once in a while I hear someone ask, “How many calories does that have?”.  The answer should be the same, no matter what the food is that they are asking about…”It doesn’t matter, really.” Calories are not created equal and so will not have identical effects on our weight OR our health.  According to physical therapist Alan Tyson, we should try to remember this fact when making food choices.  Last year’s Report of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committeee on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans showed the following Top 10 sources of calories in the American diet:

1. Grain baked desserts (i.e. cakes, cookies, donuts, pastries etc.)….139 calories a day.

2. Yeast breads …..129 calories a day.

3. Chicken/chicken mixed dishes….121 calories a day.

4. Soda, energy drinks, sports drinks, etc. ……114 calories a day. [Read more…]

A Healthy Super Bowl Snack!

I just made these deliciously healthy quesadillas for dinner, but I will also serve them on Super Bowl Sunday.  I used coconut oil, but a little real butter would work well too.  I also share some links to other healthy Super Bowl snacks below.  What are you making for the big game…is it healthy? [Read more…]

Rule of 70 Part II (Nutrition trumps Exercise)

I have written about the Rule of 70 (70% of weight loss comes from what we eat, 30% comes from exercise)  on this website before, and so when I recently came across an article saying something similar, I was intrigued and decided to dig in a little more. I believe that cutting calories through dietary changes is a more efficient way to lose weight than exercise.  This is really only important if weight loss is your goal (it isn’t mine – although weight maintenance is). [Read more…]

Nine Surprising Ways to Rev Up the Metabolism

1. Sleep more. When our bodies are rested they work better, pure and simple. According to EHow Health, during sleep, the body releases hormones. Growth hormone and melatonin are hormones that regulate our biological clock, benefit our body tissues, and work as antioxidants to help us fight off illness. Deep sleep also allows the body’s cells to increase and reduce the breakdown of proteins needed for the body to function properly. When there is a lack of sleep, there is not enough growth hormone and melatonin released to rejuvenate the body and maintain normal functioning. We have difficulty thinking and are ineffective doing tasks. Our body also has less ability to perform basic metabolic functions such as processing and regulating carbohydrates. Most of us know about how much sleep we need to function well. When we consistently compromise this number, our metabolism can be negatively affected. [Read more…]

Is Gluten-Free the Way to Go?

My friend’s 20-something daughter, who had been suffering with stomach problems and skin rashes for 18 months, suddenly began to feel much better after beginning a gluten-free diet upon the suggestion of a “naturalist” physician (my friends term). Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye and barley, and in some people it causes serious health problems. Celiac disease, also known as gluten intolerance, is a genetic disorder that affects at least 1 in 133 Americans. Symptoms of celiac disease can range from the classic features, such as diarrhea, weight loss, and malnutrition, to latent  symptoms such as isolated nutrient deficiencies but no gastrointestinal symptoms.

This disease has gained attention recently as many people are considering cutting back on gluten-laden foods for many reasons. Oprah Winfrey undertook a “21-day cleanse” this summer, eliminating meat, dairy, sugar, caffeine — and gluten. There are lots of gluten-free products available. In fact marketers estimate that 15% to 25% of consumers want gluten-free foods — though doctors estimate just 1% have celiac disease, says Cynthia Kupper, executive director of the non-profit Gluten Intolerance Group of North America. Is a gluten-free diet good for us, even if we don’t have symptoms of gluten intolerance? [Read more…]