New Lily

Running for Life!

runnerEven before I became a runner, running was a part of my family’s life.  I can remember early Sunday mornings when my dad would return home from his weekend 12-mile run.  My sisters’ and I would greet him with a tall glass of iced tea. We would stand back and wait for him to finish the glass in one gulp, and then give us the “Lipton Iced Tea, ‘Ahhhhhh!'”  To me, that “Ah” was the reward for hard work.

When I think about all the years of running I’ve logged, I realize there have been different seasons in my life that have allowed for various levels of effort. Through it all, though, there has been a certain satisfaction that is the natural result of hard work.  After I got married and we had our first two children, I enjoyed racing and pushing myself. I had the benefit of youth on my side (although I know I didn’t truly appreciate it then), and could run a lot of miles pushing a baby jogger. Running mostly 10Ks, I was able to train hard and I even squeezed out a sub 40-minute 10K for a personal best. I would often meet a friend of mine, Greg, at a track near the hospital where he worked, to do interval training. I recall one workout he named “Zeus” after doing it with a man that was more like a Greek god than a human!  Those days I could manage tough workouts without feeling totally zapped of my energy the rest of the day. [Read more…]

Curry Rotisserie Chicken Salad

chickenMy five-year old and I came up with this quick chicken salad recipe by adding whatever veggies I had available to a rotisserie chicken. I usually don’t buy this kind of chicken because, with a big family, it never seems to be enough (except Costco has large ones). However, we made it work! You can use plenty of other kinds of veggies.
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Quote of the Week: Always Upward!

pier-frassatiQuote of the Week: Verso l’Alto…Always Upward! Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati

I have always been fascinated by Pope John Paul II. What many people don’t know about this incredible man of God, is that he was a fine athlete and outdoorsman as well. Even during the early years of his papacy, John Paul II was hiking, swimming, and running. He was criticized, in fact, for jogging in the Vatican Gardens, since tourists could see him from the top of the dome of St. Peters. When he was questioned about the cost of installing a pool so he could swim laps in the summer, he said, “It’s cheaper than a new conclave”. [Read more…]

Who says you have to workout to get a workout?

lawn mowerSo much for best laid plans! When the alarm sounded off in my ear this morning, there was no way I was getting out of bed. Even a second blaring of the alarm 10 minutes later was not going to arouse me. When I set the alarm last night, it was 10 pm. That was right before Thomas, my 16 year old, asked for help with the second paragraph of the paper he was struggling to write. About two hours later I emerged from the bonus room (he was still furiously writing), only to remember the email I needed to send before I went to sleep. At about 12:45, I finally fell into bed. [Read more…]

Youth is a Time for Extraordinary Toil…

swimming1Quote of the Week: Youth is a time for extraordinary toil. Plato

I witnessed something extraordinary yesterday. It happened at a swim meet (Tarheel State) in Huntersville, NC. At this meet there were a lot of very fast swims, best times, and records pushed. But the extraordinary thing that I saw wasn’t any of those things. [Read more…]

9 Kid Fitness on WBT Radio!

WBT Radio Show9 Kid Fitness was featured on WBT Radio’s “Health Headlines” show on Sunday, March 13, 2011! Listen to the 8-10 minute segment to hear Whitney (that’s me) interviewed by the “Bod Squad” (Stacy Simms, Alan Tyson, and Dr. Russ Greenfield).
The weekly Sunday radio show with the Bod Squad features important health issues and trends that affect families.
During the interview we discuss the 9 Kid Fitness website, pelvic floor issues, and ways that busy moms can stay fit. Click on the link below and go to the 3/13 radio show. The segment begins at the 10:00 mark. Thanks for listening, and let me know what you think!
9 Kid Fitness on WBT Radio

To Exercise or To Sleep…That is the Question!

Which one? To Exercise or to Sleep….that is the question!! We might as well face it: we can’t do it all. There are no “extra” hours in the day just waiting for us to use for sleep and exercise. I am often faced with the dilemma: sleep or workout? Now in my 40’s, I face this more than I did in my 20’s or 30’s, when it seemed “I could do it all”! I find that the answer has a lot to do with trying to keep balance in my life. We can usually sense when our bodies are sleep deprived. As a mother of nine, and with one child still under the age of two, I can honestly say that I have been sleep deprived for about 20 years! [Read more…]

A Power Nap is Pretty Powerful

NapI can’t remember anything else on the list. Just #5.
It read, Take a cat nap everyday. At the time I thought it was a quaint and old-fashioned idea. But not a very practical one. Once my older kids weren’t napping anymore, I figured I had to give mine up as well. The list was given to me by a friend. It was 5 Things Busy Moms Need to do Everyday. Having forgotten the other four long ago, I now understand the wisdom in #5!
Whether our work is at home with kids, or out of the home, a daily cat nap is invaluable. I try to steal one at least three days a week! Ideally, I should be doing it everyday. I am totally amazed at the difference in how I feel after I close my eyes and really try to rest (in quiet) for 20 minutes. A power nap is like a free version of 5-Hour Energy.
Here are just a few of the rewards of a 10-20 minute cat nap: improved brain functioning, renewed energy, and looking and feeling better. Closing your eyes for a power nap is more difficult to do if your work is at an office, but it is not impossible. Sleeping is not the goal. Just closing your eyes and trying to relax for at least 10 to 15 minutes is all you have to do to reap the benefits of a power nap. There is nothing old-fashioned about that! I would argue, in fact, that we need a daily nap in today’s world more than ever before!

Exercise and Pregnancy

Boy, am I a hypocrite! I have nine children, and, with the exception of baby #1(Charlie), I ran throughout each pregnancy. Baby number 5 (Annie) was born a few hours after I ran 4 miles. And I ran the day before number’s 8 (C.C.) and 9 (Sam) were born. Every pregnancy went to term, with more than a few going beyond the due date. My mother, understandably, disapproved at first. But I reassured her that the minute I thought something wasn’t right, or felt that running was not good for the baby, I would immediately stop. I felt very fortunate that my doctors were supportive, and I always knew that I could talk to them without feeling judged.
With all of that being said, I could not believe my gut reaction the day I was driving and I saw a pregnant woman running. She was at least seven months along, maybe more. And it looked, well…wrong! It just didn’t seem right. That’s all I could think. I quickly recovered, and thought, “Good for her!” However, I couldn’t shake that initial feeling when I saw her swollen tummy and watched her running. Wow, what a hypocrite I was!
Things have come a long way since our mothers and grandmothers were pregnant. But what is now acceptable? Is it okay to run throughout the pregnancy? To do aerobics? Pilates? Lift weights? A recent article in Runner’s World talked about exercise and pregnancy.

Me and the Energizer Bunny

BUNNYThe Energizer Bunny is alive and well…! Actually, I’m not sure where the credit is really due, to the battery… or to our Lifecycle stationary bike.  We’ve owned this Lifecycle since 1992, when my husband bought it for me before #2 (Mary Kate), was born.  It has moved with us from Bloomington, IN to St. Louis, MO, to Indianapolis, IN and finally to Charlotte, NC.  Along the way, the bike has been a loyal friend to me. Especially during my pregnancies and postpartum months (years, to be more accurate).

As I got increasingly larger during pregnancies, and it was harder to run, I would ride the bike.  When it was raining or snowing and I couldn’t get out, I would ride the bike.  When I was sidelined by injury, I could usually still ride my bike.  And sometimes, when I just wanted to read and not think about exercise, I rode the bike.  We don’t have an exercise room, so the Lifecycle has always graced our bedroom or closet (large closet). [Read more…]