New Lily

Quote of the Week: “When I Run I Feel His Pleasure”…

RunnerPURPLEOn Monday I wrote about endorphins, those neurotransmitters in the brain that have been known to induce euphoria. Today I am writing about another kind of euphoria that can also come from running and exercising…the spiritual kind. Although we have all heard of the slogan “mind, body, spirit“, it can sometimes seem strange to integrate the three in a literal way. One of my favorite quotes comes from the movie, “Chariots of Fire”. In the movie, runner Eric Liddle of Scotland (a missionary and winner of the 400 meters in the 1924 Olympics in Paris) is explaining to his sister his desire to run in the Olympic Games. He says, “God made me for a purpose. But he also made me Fast. And when I run, I feel His pleasure.” [Read more…]

Endorphins and The “Runner’s High”

runnerI wrote a post recently called Five Reasons Exercise Makes Me a Better Mom. Endorphins was the first reason I listed. Most of us are familiar with the term “runners high”, which refers to the euphoric feeling one sometimes gets after exercise. We know that exercise stimulates endorphin production, and research has shown that endorphins improve mood. But what is the best kind of exercise and how long do you need to do it in order to benefit from these endorphins? [Read more…]

Quote of the Week: By Failing to Prepare, You Are Preparing to Fail

runningBy failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail…Benjamin Franklin
I’ve got the marathon on my mind. I guess I would much rather think about it than start training for it! I signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon after enjoying it so much last year. It isn’t until the end of October, and so it is too early to start any serious training yet. However, since I am not a big planner, marathon training always presents a challenge for me. I have friends who love training for marathons. They say having a goal helps them become structured about their running and keeps them focused on the prize. Maybe it’s because I’ve started and then had to stop training for marathons a number of times that I tend to be a little hesitant about planning too far out. Whether it was a pregnancy, an injury, or just life that got in the way, for many years the marathon seemed elusive. In fact, last year’s Marine Corps Marathon was my first marathon in ten years! [Read more…]

Welcome Another Mother Runner!

Thank you to Another Mother Runner for profiling 9 Kid Fitness today! For those of you new to our site, Welcome! Thanks for visiting!

Another Mother Runner is the companion site to the book Run Like A Mother, and is an awesome source for all things running and mothering…and actually these mother runners are quite funny too! They show us how to gracefully (and sometimes not so gracefully) fit it all in.

For my 9 Kid Fitness readers, check it out!

Minimalist Running…Is it For You?

feetYesterday was a beautiful Easter Sunday, and in the evening my husband and I got out without the kids and went for a five mile walk on a trail near our home. We both wore our Vibram FiveFingers. My husband started running in the FiveFingers after reading Christpher McDougall’s Born to Run over a year ago. He owns a few pairs of the Vibram FiveFingers and had gotten up to running about four to five miles in them. The chronic persistent knee pain he had most of his adult life disappeared, and he was starting to think the minimalist shoes were the answer. Then he got a stress fracture. He has not been able to run in three months and might not be able to get back to it anytime soon. Was it the minimalist running? [Read more…]

Quote of the Week: We Are Restless Till We Rest in Thee

jesusimagesI have always loved a Sunday morning run. It is quieter on the roads and a perfect day to go long. It even seems appropriate given that it is the end of the week (or the beginning, whichever way you think about it). It’s a time to gather myself and mentally prepare for the week ahead. It’s also a great way to start the week off “on the right foot”!

However, not long ago I realized that it also presented a dilemma. [Read more…]

Wounded Warrior Project…Great Races, Awesome Cause

wounded warriorI was completely inspired last October when I did the Marine Corps Marathon alongside some of the men and women who had recently served our country. Throughout the 26.2 miles, I saw signs for the Wounded Warrior Project. Intrigued, I did a little research when I came home. What I discovered was a cause worth racing for! [Read more…]

Running for Life!

runnerEven before I became a runner, running was a part of my family’s life.  I can remember early Sunday mornings when my dad would return home from his weekend 12-mile run.  My sisters’ and I would greet him with a tall glass of iced tea. We would stand back and wait for him to finish the glass in one gulp, and then give us the “Lipton Iced Tea, ‘Ahhhhhh!'”  To me, that “Ah” was the reward for hard work.

When I think about all the years of running I’ve logged, I realize there have been different seasons in my life that have allowed for various levels of effort. Through it all, though, there has been a certain satisfaction that is the natural result of hard work.  After I got married and we had our first two children, I enjoyed racing and pushing myself. I had the benefit of youth on my side (although I know I didn’t truly appreciate it then), and could run a lot of miles pushing a baby jogger. Running mostly 10Ks, I was able to train hard and I even squeezed out a sub 40-minute 10K for a personal best. I would often meet a friend of mine, Greg, at a track near the hospital where he worked, to do interval training. I recall one workout he named “Zeus” after doing it with a man that was more like a Greek god than a human!  Those days I could manage tough workouts without feeling totally zapped of my energy the rest of the day. [Read more…]

Born To Run

born to runIf you have not had the pleasure of reading Christopher McDougall’s Born To Run, I highly recommend you indulge in the experience. And it is an experience! Part cultural anthropology, part running physiology, part fitness, part anatomy, and part philosophy, Born To Run is one of my favorite books. You definitely don’t have to be a runner to enjoy the book. My only warning is that you might not want to put it down, so schedule your reading of the book accordingly! It is one of those story’s that you are sad to finish. Even my 16 year-old finished the book in a few days. Following is a link to Christopher McDougall’s website: Christopher McDougall

9 Kid Fitness on WBT Radio!

WBT Radio Show9 Kid Fitness was featured on WBT Radio’s “Health Headlines” show on Sunday, March 13, 2011! Listen to the 8-10 minute segment to hear Whitney (that’s me) interviewed by the “Bod Squad” (Stacy Simms, Alan Tyson, and Dr. Russ Greenfield).
The weekly Sunday radio show with the Bod Squad features important health issues and trends that affect families.
During the interview we discuss the 9 Kid Fitness website, pelvic floor issues, and ways that busy moms can stay fit. Click on the link below and go to the 3/13 radio show. The segment begins at the 10:00 mark. Thanks for listening, and let me know what you think!
9 Kid Fitness on WBT Radio