New Lily

Do Not Ignore the Pelvic Floor (and Here’s a Website to Help)…

The pelvic floor is crucial to our core.

I recently came across a great resource I would like to share with my 9 Kid Fitness readers (at least the women in the group)! As you might know from reading my blog I am always seeking ways to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and I believe those muscles are a crucial part of our core.  As I get older and continue to exercise, pelvic health has become even more important to my overall health and especially to my ability to stay functionally fit!  What do I mean by  functionally fit?  My fitness is so much more than simply my daily workouts … I need to be “fit for life” and that means for all of the different roles I have and for the many daily demands that I face (#9 is three and as the baby of the family…still loves to be held)!  Although the “demands” may change, they  will only continue to be varied as I get older. In other words I need to be fit for all of my life, not just for the hour or so a day that I workout. [Read more…]

How to Be Your Own Cheerleader

Motivation is relative.. .You can ask me about fitness, but please don’t ask me about organization!

I often get asked  how it is that I remain motivated to stay in shape.  Frankly I am always a little confused on how to answer this question because I think it is relative.  I am highly motivated when it comes to exercise…but that is mostly because I actually like to exercise!  It really isn’t a chore for me to workout…I not only  enjoy the results of doing it, I really love doing it!  I realize that this is not true for everyone.  For some people, working out is a chore, it’s a real effort, and it can be very tedious.  I understand these feelings however, because while that is not at all how I feel in regards to fitness, I totally relate to feeling that way about many other things.  For instance, getting organized  is a chore for me. Trying to get my schedule in order or even all the things in my house in order is a monumental effort.  Other people I know thrive on organization.  They are whizzes with a calendar, never forget a birthday, and have all their cabinets categorized.  While staying organized is fun for them (maybe because they are good at it), for me it is forever frustrating! [Read more…]

9 Things You Should Not do if You Want to Lose Weight This Summer

1. Don’t decide to go on an extreme diet because it is summer. Extreme diets don’t work. Cutting out ALL carbs, avoiding fruits, or giving up suddenly ALL meats isn’t going to help you lose weight for the long haul. Instead, try cutting back in small ways…avoiding desserts, trying not to snack between meals, and drinking water before you eat a snack just in case you are actually thirsty -not really hungry at all.

[Read more…]

Where Do you Fall on the Running Fashion Spectrum?

Athleta is one of the popular brands for fashionable, comfortable running clothes.

The other day I pulled up to meet my friend Susan for an early morning run at the trail not far from where we live. Typical of me, I had grabbed the clothes I was wearing quickly…in the dark so as not to wake my sleeping husband. The result of my hasty dressing was a new lululemon running tank and an old pair of gym shorts. I know…when was the last time you heard the term gym shorts? You may have to reach pretty far back into your memory…think 1980’s high school P.E. class for that one. Anyway, by the time I swung into a parking spot, slipped on my running shoes and was tying up the laces, Susan was walking up to my car to say good morning. She greeted me out my drivers side window. “Nice shirt,” she said. I thanked her as I got out of my car and turned to lock the door. That’s when I heard her say, “Oh, sister…really?” I knew immediately she had seen the shorts. Although it was still dark out, her keen fashion eyes had caught the faux pas. “Have I taught you nothing?” She asked. [Read more…]

Instead of Running…Go for a Walk!!!

Walking gets endorphins going too!

I am walking more lately… and  enjoying it! I walk at night with my husband, James.  I walk while my daughter (#5) runs (see My Workouts). I also walk during some of my runs.  All of this walking has got me thinking…is walking just as good an exercise as running?  The answer to that question, I believe, is that it depends. Lots of us believe that because we are more likely to burn more calories running than walking, that running is better.  However, as I find myself smack dab in the middle of my 45th year of life…I believe better is relative. [Read more…]

What Would You do if You had the Chance at an “About-Face” Change?

keep-calm-its-only-induction-dayWe dropped off our son Thomas (#3) at the United States Naval Academy for Induction Day (I-Day) last Thursday.  I have walked on the grounds of the Naval Academy many times and I have had the privilege of seeing West Point as well.  Whenever I am there I always have some vague sense of envy as I see these young people around the “yard” .  [Read more…]