New Lily

Day Three at Lovejoy Pond…Rain, Rain Go Away

Shoulder and arms workout with #4, #5, #6 and #7. All eyes on the dvd playing in the laptop. I’m breaking my electronics pledge already. It does come in handy, however!

Day Three at Lovejoy Pond, August 16, 2012
Thought of the day: Rain, rain, go away…come again another day (like late next week maybe).

This morning I woke at 6:25 a.m., not to the sound of loons, but to the sound of rain…and it didn’t stop until after 7 p.m.! Somehow we could tell very early that it wasn’t going to let up and so we decided to forget the morning run and do P90X inside the cabin and then head to Freeport (L.L. Bean country) and do a little shopping. Four backpacks, two pairs of shoes, and a few shirts later…still under umbrellas, we finally left Freeport. [Read more…]

9 Things You Should Not do if You Want to Lose Weight This Summer

1. Don’t decide to go on an extreme diet because it is summer. Extreme diets don’t work. Cutting out ALL carbs, avoiding fruits, or giving up suddenly ALL meats isn’t going to help you lose weight for the long haul. Instead, try cutting back in small ways…avoiding desserts, trying not to snack between meals, and drinking water before you eat a snack just in case you are actually thirsty -not really hungry at all.

[Read more…]

Part 4 of 4; Comparing Some Trends in Fitness…A Final Analysis

Time to weigh in on some of the newer trends in fitness.

I recently wrote about some of the newer trends in fitness – P90X, CrossFit, and Pure Barre, and have come up with my own opinion in a kind of “final analysis” blog post. For the sake of simplicity, I have looked at each kind of exercise in terms of four things: how easy and convenient it is to use and keep using, how thorough a workout it is (all-body), how costly it is, and how effective it is (physical results). While some of these things are harder to measure than others, I believe that my own experiences with them, coupled with my conversations with many others who use them, have given me insight so that I can come up with a fair analysis. For each category, I will look at the various types of exercise, and then rate them 1-3 (1 being the lowest and a 3 being the highest). [Read more…]

Part 2 of 4: Comparing Some Trends in Fitness; CrossFit!

Cory...the instructor at my first ever Cross Fit class...and yes, he is suspended in mid-air!

“Does your workout make you nervous?…It should.”  -CrossFit Quote

Continuing my series about trends in fitness, I write today about CrossFit.  As an athlete, I am intrigued by CrossFit because I can immediately see the challenge it poses. [Read more…]

Part 1 of 4…Comparing Some Trends in Fitness; P90X!

Tony Horton P90X

Trends are not only for fashion…we see them in the world of fitness as well.  Some fade, like stirrup pants and shoulder pads, and others stand the test of time. While I believe that when it comes to fitness, there is more than one way to skin the cat, most of the workouts that are currently popular share a few of the same characteristics.

I have always been curious about which kinds of workouts are the most effective and why people choose them.  P90X, Cross Fit, and Pure Barre, are three currently popular “trends” in fitness routines.  While they are actually very different types of workouts, they share a common purpose…fitness that is effective and brings about a change in the body.  When I talk to people who do one of these types of exercise programs, I hear many of the same things…they do them because they “see results. [Read more…]

Exercise and Menopause

Menopause is a normal part of a woman’s life that is brought on by declining levels of estrogen and progesterone, which trigger the end of regular menstrual cycles. While the onset of menopause is typically around age 52, it actually begins “silently” in a woman’s 40s, according to the National Institutes of Health. Many women wonder whether exercise can help with some of the symptoms of menopause, and especially with weight gain that often creeps in as we age. [Read more…]

My Full Spring Calendar Forces me to Make Workouts More Efficient

I don’t know about you, but spring is crazy around here.  By crazy I mean busy, busy, busy.  This spring we have two graduations and a First Holy Communion within one month and that’s not to mention all the other things that come along during this time of year…senior prom, exams, and finishing up homeschooling for the little guys.  Needless to say, exercise will have to be short and sweet during April, May, and June.  Did I say sweet?  The right word is more like powerful/mean/efficient – you pick!  My nutty upcoming schedule has got me thinking again…what is the most efficient workout schedule for our busiest times? [Read more…]

Don’t Fall for “Long, Lean Muscle Myth”

Okay, I will admit it, I have recently fallen prey to wishful thinking. It can easily happen in the fitness world, though, so I can’t feel too bad about it. Has anyone else fallen prey to the idea that a certain exercise will give us “long lean muscles”? It’s a concept that we hear often lately (in group exercise classes, etc.), but is it a valid concept? Given what we know about our muscles (we all have short and long ones) the idea that our muscles will become “longer” or even “leaner” doesn’t hold any real weight…so don’t be fooled!

Most women tell me they would like to have more tone to their muscles, but not more bulk. Body builders aside, many women lift weights or do weight bearing exercise using their own body weight so that they can have a leaner look, not a bigger or more bulky one. Yet the idea that exercise alone can achieve this look, is not really accurate. Actually it is a combination of diet and exercise together that can give someone that lean look. So when we hear fitness instructors tell us that if we do this or that type of exercise we will have long lean muscles, we can enlighten them by explaining that we are not ever going to lengthen a muscle. I came across a great article that clearly explains why is is true. It is a must read if you want to understand not only how muscles play a role in how we look, but also how body type is important as well! E article can be found at

My Fitness Evolution

When I first began exercising regularly (not counting my high school track days or even my college days with my walk-man plugged into my ears), the concept of rest, weight training, or core workouts were foreign. Now, about 20 years later, things have changed and I realize that the way I look at fitness has evolved. The biggest changes I have made are to rest more, to cross-train, to change things up, and to improve my nutrition. [Read more…]

How many Kegels Should We do Everyday?

I think there is a lot of confusion these days about how many Kegel exercises we should be doing.. I was told long ago that I should be doing at least 30 and as many as 60 Kegels everyday! In looking into this question, I recently came across an archive blog from physical therapist Tasha Mulligan’s Hab It blog. She describes a “quick flick” Kegel that is very efficient – you might be surprised at the number of exercises she suggests!

By Tasha Mulligan
I was asked a great question the other day regarding Kegel exercises and the confusion caused from some recommendations to complete 80+ repetitions per day vs. my recommendation to complete only 8-10 repetitions per day. [Read more…]