New Lily

The Fresh Fruits of Summer

peachesSome of my favorite childhood memories involve biting into a ripe, juicy peach and tasting the best part of summer. On our way home from the beach the other day, we counted 12 farm stands selling peaches, plums and fresh greens, which is why today I am kicking myself for not stopping to pick up some of those ripe summer fruits! Luckily within three miles of our house there are at least three stands…and that is where I am heading this afternoon. [Read more…]

Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Pizza?

pizzaAfter loading about 10 frozen pizzas into the car on a recent shopping trip, my husband turned to me and asked, “Is it possible we are buying too much pizza?” According to my kids, there is no such thing as too much pizza. As the mother, however, I know there has to be a limit, right? But I do love pizza (yes, even the frozen kind)! To me it isn’t just how it tastes, it’s what it means…no cooking! I have tried recipes for pizza crust before, but in the end, it just seems like a lot of work for what has always been the “easy night”. Pizza and work in the kitchen just don’t seem to go together. [Read more…]

Is Glucosamine/Chondroitin for You?

supplementsThe jury isn’t out yet on the efficacy of glucosamine/chondrotin supplements for the treatment of osteoarthritis. However, some people have found that after taking the supplements, they experience fewer symptoms.

According to physical therapist Alan Tyson, owner of Architech Sports and Physical Therapy, interesting results have been reported from studies about glucosamine/chondroitin intake. Basically, there are some who say the supplements have been shown to help those who experience moderate symptoms of osteoarthritis, but not those with mild symptoms or those with severe symptoms. Alan’s recommended dosage is 1500 milligrams of combined glucasamine/chondroitin. [Read more…]

A Little Nine Kid Romance and Some Old-fashioned Vitamin D!

sunlightJames and I have been married for 22 years and we are on our first true vacation alone in all those years! We came down to Florida to stay at my mother’s house near Jupiter. A lot of logistics are necessary to accomplish this, and I am grateful to my sister Susan, and my mother who together have six of my children back home in Charlotte! James and I are relaxing, enjoying some romantic dinners alone, and soaking in some Vitamin D.

Speaking of Vitamin D, it appears to be making a comeback and is receiving some publicity lately, especially in it’s most natural form (sunlight). I am part of the generation that grew up hearing about the negative effects of too much sunlight. This is why most of us who are parents feel guilty if we don’t totally lather our children up when they go out in the sun. As a woman, I know how the sun causes my face to wrinkle and show creases prematurely (being a runner that started about ten years ago for me!). While most of these things are true, research is showing the importance of Vitamin D, especially as we age. [Read more…]

Go Bananas! 9 Reasons Bananas are MY Super Fruit

bananaWe eat a ton of bananas at our house. I once brought home six bunches from the grocery store! They are definitely my favorite pre-run snack, and sometimes I eat two or three a day. My kids love them, too. Actually, Sam (#9) used to love them, but lately he’ll take one bite and then mash the rest between his fingers. I guess he likes the way it feels. I’m not sure whether bananas have “super fruit” status, but they are super in my book. Here are nine reasons you should be eating bananas: [Read more…]

Sorry To Say, Spot Reduction Doesn’t Work!

strengthIt would be nice if spot reduction worked, but it doesn’t. While most of us know this, sometimes we can’t resist the temptation to believe it does. Stronger abs is your goal? Abdominal work is the way to go. A smaller waist? Work on the diet and overall fitness. Is it your bottom half you’re frustrated with? Doing 50 lunges everyday won’t “spot reduce” your thighs. A combination of regular cardio, strength training and nutritional changes is the only tried and true answer. Not spot reduction.

An article I recently read pointed out that if spot reduction worked, professional tennis players would have one arm that was smaller than the other. It would make sense that the circumference of the dominant arm would be less if this logic were correct. We know the facts do not support this (the dominant arm may be a little stronger, though). Why then do we often fall for the myth that says that if we do more elliptical, we will have a smaller bottom half? [Read more…]

What Do You Get When You Combine BOGO Mangoes and Chicken Breasts? A Happy Family!

mangosSometimes I find myself believing that to eat healthy with a large family means to spend more money. As one who shops at Aldi and Super Wal-Mart whenever I can, I know that it can be tempting to buy 29 cent Mac and Cheese, a cheap version of Stouffers lasagna, or some Little Debbie snacks, and to walk out of the store proud of how little I spent. However, I also know that to eat healthy you have to think about good choices and then “shop healthy” too. There have been times when I have walked past the out-of-season fruit because it is too expensive, only to buy Oreo cookies or Ritz Crackers for almost the same price. My kids don’t help matters in this regard. Although I can shop and fill the fridge with groceries, if there are no “real snacks” to fill up the cabinet, we “have nothing to eat!” [Read more…]

Are You Getting Enough Protein?

proteinMany of us are not getting adequate protein. If you exercise regularily (5-6 days a week for at least an hour) you might be one of these people. I’m certain I am. As an athlete, I am always on the lookout for good sources of protein to eat after a workout. Also, I am not a three meals-a-day girl. I eat more often than that; spreading my calories throughout the day, and so I find that getting enough protein can be difficult since I typically eat smaller meals.

I recently talked to Alan Tyson, physical therapist and owner of Architech Sports about finding good sources of protein. He suggests a ratio of 2 to 1 (carbs to protein) for a post exercise meal. He admits that this is harder to do than it is to say! Some of his suggestions are an apple with peanut butter (good source of fiber too), a whole wheat bagel with peanut butter, Greek-style yogurt with berries and nuts (almonds are great), or a protein shake (with skim milk) or bar with the above ratio. While Power Bars and other “energy” bars are great for endurance events or for before an extra long or hard workout, they are high in sugar and usually low in protein, and are typically not ideal for a post exercise meal. [Read more…]

The Importance of Breakfast for Athletes

breakfastConvincing me to eat breakfast isn’t that difficult. It’s my favorite meal of the day. Whether it’s a Zone bar (fudge graham), oatmeal (the real kind) loaded with nuts and dried fruit, or pancakes and bacon (only if I’m splurging), I love a good breakfast! If we are active during the day, breakfast is even more important. For athletic kids, it is crucial.

The following are some of the reasons Alan Tyson, physical therapist and owner of Architech Sports and Physical Therapy, gives to young athletes for eating breakfast everyday. I happen to believe they are true for us parents, too! [Read more…]

For Weight Loss, Diet Trumps Exercise

womanMaybe I’m a little strange, but I love to exercise. Although occasionally I struggle with motivation, exercise is rarely a chore for me. Infact it is a treat. It’s also a release, an escape, a mood enhancer, and a joy, really. I consider myself lucky. I know a lot of people who don’t feel the same way that I do about exercise. It is not something they look forward to and they really have to force themselves to get it done. [Read more…]