I’m one of those weird people who loves a good “run” story. Give it to me play by play and I won’t be the slightest bit bored. Ok, that’s not totally true….maybe a little bored, especially if you start at mile one and I know you went 18…then I might get a little nervous. But I can relate to the really bad runs and also the really good ones, and it’s great to know I’m not alone in the “runner’s analysis” that tends to happen after both. On Saturday I had a really good run, and so I’m going to gloat a little…mostly because they have been so lacking in my marathon training up to this point.
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My Marathon Training…Long Run Down
Nine Ways to Recover Well After a Workout
1. Cool down. Cooling down (not stopping completely) is crucial after exercise. Continuing to move around at a very low intensity for 5 to 10 minutes after a workout helps remove lactic acid from our muscles and may reduce muscle stiffness. If you have been running, slow it down, then walk for 5 minutes. Don’t do what I did the other day and run to your car immediately after your long run without appropriately cooling down (I was late to getting #6 to a practice and couldn’t stay for a cool down – I really felt the stiffness almost immediately and was sore for a good 24 hours). [Read more…]
Three Things Women Can do for Exercise Induced Incontinence
We are starting to hear more people talk about issues related to the pelvic floor, and this is a really good thing. Pregnancy, childbirth, episiotomy, fibroids, chronic coughing, menopause, weight gain or inactivity all can contribute to decreased tone, strength, and flexibility of the pelvic floor. When this happens we can experience symptoms of urinary or stool incontinence or other problems related to pelvic organs such as sagging or prolapse, low back pain, painful intercourse, etc. Since the most common is urinary incontinence, most women can relate to the experience of leaking urine, whether during pregnancy, postpartum, or as they get older. And for many, exercising is where it rears it’s ugly head.
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One of Coach Dan’s Favorites: Kenyan Outbacks
I don’t know about you, but sometimes the same old run can get a little stale. As a cross country coach, I am always looking for something different that is both challenging and fun at the same time. I asked Coach Dan for a favorite running workout and he told me about Kenyan Outbacks. After doing this today with my cross country runners, I realized that I could also include it as a part of my marathon training. I can’t wait to tell my running buddies about it…I know my friend, Susan will be up for it! Even if you run solo, this is a different way to get some fast stuff in without doing a full blown speed workout on a track (something I usually avoid like the plague). Coach Dan used this a lot when he was coaching his running club in Minnesota in preparation for their marathons. [Read more…]
After a Week of No Exercise it’s “Easy Does It”!
I ran 6.2 miles this morning after seven days of not working out. I had to ease into my run and it took a few miles to do that. I just returned from a week in the ghettos of Kingston, Jamaica, where I took my two oldest boys to work with the Missionaries of the Poor. Needless to say we didn’t get out for a run (although they did some push ups every night). Whenever I take more than a few days off I am always struck by how quickly my fitness level seems to fade. It’s as if all the work of months takes only a few days to undo. This is actually not the case, however. [Read more…]
For My Marathon Training…it’s Quality over Quantity
I love to run. If my body would keep in step with my desire, I would run, and run, and run. But at 44 years old, my body is not too excited about keeping in step, and instead is saying, “yeah, right”! So instead I adhere to my husband’s philosophy, which is “stick with your own reality”. My reality, in terms of marathon training, is quality over quantity. [Read more…]
More on Post Workout Recovery
Many of us are beginning our training for fall races now, when the weather is hot and humid, and it is important to replace lost fluids and minerals after a run or workout. I recently wrote a post about what people are drinking after a workout (What is Best after a Workout…Water or a Sports Drink?). Drinking something with a good carb/protein balance within 60 minutes after exercise is key, especially if the workout was intense. Physical therapist Alan Tyson sent out the following information recently that pertains to this very thing. Here is the link: Post Workout Recovery
Quote of the Week: This is the Day the Lord has Made…
Quote of the week: This is the day the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
I love the morning. Getting up before everyone else…in the dark…in the quiet…and leaving the house for an early morning run … this is one of my favorite things to do. My street at dawn is silent except for the occasional bird or cricket and a few car motors in the distance. We live on a cul-de-sac and a slight hill awaits me before I get onto the main road to begin my run. I usually walk my street and slowly ease into my run as the sun is coming up. Its my favorite way to meet the day. [Read more…]
Meet Coach Dan… “I Can Do This”!
I had the privilege of running six miles with Dan Finanger this morning. Dan served as executive race director of the Twin Cities Marathon from 2000 to 2004, and himself ran 20 marathons in 20 years. A natural coach and great story-teller, Dan knows how to motivate people. He was just the right person for me to run with as I begin my training for this year’s Marine Corps Marathon (October 2011). [Read more…]
What to Do if You get Stuck Running in a Storm
Last week James (my husband) and I went for an evening run. It was drizzing when we started out and it didn’t look like it would clear. However, it didn’t look like “thunderstorm sky”, either. How quickly things can change! By the time we finished one and a half miles, the skies had opened up and we were totally soaked. At that point, we didn’t really hesitate or consider turning back (we were only going four…out for two and then back). Besides, we were already drenched…and it was kind of fun. When we got to the two mile mark where we turned around, the thunder was rolling pretty loudly and the sky started to flash with lightning. Still, it wasn’t very near, and I didn’t feel like we were in any danger. Infact, it felt great to finally have a cool (although soaking) run. But soon, the thunder became louder, the lightning seemed to be striking simultaneously, and there was really no where to go for cover (except to knock on someones door). So we ran faster! [Read more…]
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