I sometimes make the mistake of believing I have to workout for a long time to get any results. However, a lot can come from just a few exercises. If you want to burn to the core, but only have a little bit of time, here are a few killer core exercises that you can do. They only require your body, a Swiss ball (large exercise ball) and a few styrofoam plates! My friend and physical therapist, Alan Tyson, founder of Architech Sports in Charlotte, NC showed me these…so I have him to hate! [Read more…]
Water, Is it Boring?
Is it just me, or is water a boring drink? I have a tough time drinking enough of it. It is not that I don’t realize the excellent health benefits of water. My goodness, we would die without it! After a workout, I can’t wait for a bottle of it, but the rest of the time I have to force myself to drink it. I have known plenty of people who love water, so maybe it’s an acquired taste? I have been drinking it all my life, though, so how much more acquiring is it going to take? I’ve tried the flavored waters, and those are great. But that gets expensive. If anyone has any tips for drinking more water, I would love to hear them! Here’s a good article about the benefits of drinking plenty of water.
Morning Exercise
I am a morning person, are you? If you are a morning person, exercise is a great way to start your day. For those who are not, maybe it’s not too late to try. At first, choose one day a week to wake up early to workout. See how it feels. I bet you won’t regret it! Here are a few reasons I think morning workouts are best: [Read more…]
Running in the Snow!
On a recent morning, we woke up to a nice surprise…Snow! Immediately I thought, “my kind of running!”
We live in Charlotte, NC, where it rarely snows. At least not usually more than a few times a year. The city shuts down when there is more than 6 inches on the ground…and this is where the day was headed to be sure.
About 4 inches already lay on the ground and it was coming down hard! I saw a text message from my running buddy, Susan, who said her husband was going to try to catch a plane and so she had to postpone running until a neighbor could come over and watch her kids. This was fine with me. I happily went back to sleep for 30 minutes.
The dilemma which I faced when I woke up, however, had to do with pancakes. [Read more…]
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