New Lily

Easter Is a Wonderful Chance to Try a “New Program”



This is a day of joy.  It represents new life.  New beginnings.  Second chances.  As a Christian, this day is THE day.  It trumps all others.  We celebrate Christ’s incredible gift to each one of us. I sat in church this morning keenly aware of how, though undeserving, I am grateful for the opportunity to start anew.  Glad to toss the “old self”, I feel excitement at the prospect of a new one.  This is true for all of me, not just the spiritual part. As a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend.  In all aspects of my life I could use a second chance.  Can’t we all?

I am not a theologian.  And this is not a religious blog.  But I can’t help but see the connection of Easter in every area of my life.  Yesterday was unseasonably cold here in North Carolina.  It rained for 13 hours….then I stopped counting.  I was supposed to meet my friend Susan for an early am run… but it was raining too hard.  Instead of venturing out, I got on the treadmill in my bedroom. My husband gave me this treadmill two years ago.  Although thrilled at the time, I have actually not been a fan of running inside.  Boring.  I can never get past staring at the screen and counting each second as it goes by.

Yesterday I hopped on expecting the same thing.  Instead of pressing MANUAL  as I usually do, I decided to try something different.  I pressed HILL INTERVAL. 30 minutes.  Every four minutes or so, the incline would increase and I would start a new interval.  After about 12 minutes I realized I hadn’t checked the screen once.  By the time 24 minutes was passed I was actually enjoying it.  A totally new experience for me.  I got off the treadmill feeling exhilarated. Wow!  It’s amazing what a new program can do.

A small thing.  Yet timely. I thought about the treadmill this morning as I contemplated Easter.  Sometimes we need to reprogram things.  We often go through life on the same path.  Doing the same thing.  Getting the same results.  I experienced a new kind of run on the treadmill yesterday when I decided not to select MANUAL.  I feel a need to select a new program in other areas of my life as well.  To rejigger my priorities.  To give God control.  “Manual” is fine.  But it is never as good as what He can do when we let Him.

How about you?  Do you feel the need to change paths?  Are you feeling a little stuck with the way you are doing things? Consider this an Easter blessing.  How is manual working for you? Maybe it’s time to try a new program….

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