New Lily

Quote of the Week: We Are Restless Till We Rest in Thee

jesusimagesI have always loved a Sunday morning run. It is quieter on the roads and a perfect day to go long. It even seems appropriate given that it is the end of the week (or the beginning, whichever way you think about it). It’s a time to gather myself and mentally prepare for the week ahead. It’s also a great way to start the week off “on the right foot”!

However, not long ago I realized that it also presented a dilemma. [Read more…]

Quote of the Week: Always Upward!

pier-frassatiQuote of the Week: Verso l’Alto…Always Upward! Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati

I have always been fascinated by Pope John Paul II. What many people don’t know about this incredible man of God, is that he was a fine athlete and outdoorsman as well. Even during the early years of his papacy, John Paul II was hiking, swimming, and running. He was criticized, in fact, for jogging in the Vatican Gardens, since tourists could see him from the top of the dome of St. Peters. When he was questioned about the cost of installing a pool so he could swim laps in the summer, he said, “It’s cheaper than a new conclave”. [Read more…]