New Lily

Incredibly Awesome Lentil Soup

Yes, I even have cabbage and fresh basil...which is better than what the recipe calls for!

Yes, I even have cabbage and fresh basil…which is better than what the recipe calls for!

I love soup.  Lentil soup the most. So I’m always searching for good recipes.  Especially ones whose ingredients I actually have. Imagine my joy when I found this one for Winter Vegetable Lentil Soup…that even included my favorite spice, curry.  I was giddy as I looked over the ingredient list. I have every one…in my kitchen…now (the better you know me the better you will understand how amazing this is).  I even thought to myself…I should have created this recipe (this is also quite humorous if you know me)!  Can’t wait to make it today and eat it tonight.  Do you have a good soup recipe to share?

This Too Shall Pass….Unfortunately: Fitting in Exercise When Children are Young

mom and baby strollerimagesThe other day I took a break from homeschooling #7, #8, and #9 (John, C.C., and Sam) and went to a barre class at noon (#6 who is 14 was home).  Although it’s been awhile since I was really unable to steal away, it still feels a little strange when I do.  For so many years my only chance at exercise during the week was early in the morning or while the kids were napping (thank God for my lifecycle). It’s a question I’m often asked, “How did you fit it in when your kids were all young?” [Read more…]

Seven Foods You and Your Family Should Be Eating

images of groceryAlan Tyson, physical therapist and owner of Architech Sports, recently wrote about the best foods for our bellies.  There are seven.  I was surprised by the last one!  Add these to your shopping list and try to include them in daily meals.

images of peppers1. High-Fiber and Antioxidant-Rich Vegetables
All veggies are good for you. They are high in vitamins, phytonutrients, antioxidants,
and fiber and are generally low in calories and low in fat. But certain varieties do contain “FODMAPs”, [Read more…]

To Your New Year’s Resolutions…I Say, “Go For It”!

frank sinatradc1e3258a4ebbe0d2be177b5eae0cb6aTo those who say they don’t “do resolutions”, I have to ask, why not? What is not to like about a resolution? I always welcome a chance to start again.  That is the very definition of hope! It’s like saying I’m not going to celebrate my birthday because it’s just gonna come around again next year.

Isn’t that the beauty of it? Yes, it comes around every January. And no, I can’t remember my resolutions from last year (actually, the unfortunate consequence of blogging is that my resolutions from 2014 are there for me and anyone else to see- yikes).  But it doesn’t really matter.  A resolution is a very here-and-now thing.  It’s present day.  It’s knowing yesterday is gone.  Today is a new day.  And it’s a new year! [Read more…]