New Lily

What to Do if You get Stuck Running in a Storm

stormLast week James (my husband) and I went for an evening run. It was drizzing when we started out and it didn’t look like it would clear. However, it didn’t look like “thunderstorm sky”, either. How quickly things can change! By the time we finished one and a half miles, the skies had opened up and we were totally soaked. At that point, we didn’t really hesitate or consider turning back (we were only going four…out for two and then back). Besides, we were already drenched…and it was kind of fun. When we got to the two mile mark where we turned around, the thunder was rolling pretty loudly and the sky started to flash with lightning. Still, it wasn’t very near, and I didn’t feel like we were in any danger. Infact, it felt great to finally have a cool (although soaking) run. But soon, the thunder became louder, the lightning seemed to be striking simultaneously, and there was really no where to go for cover (except to knock on someones door). So we ran faster! [Read more…]

Quote of the Week: “Vanity of Vanities, and All is Vanity”

Vanity of vanities, said Ecclesiastes,… and all things are vanity…”Ecclesiastes 1:2.

“We can’t take them with us when we die.” This is something we might think of in terms of our material possessions, yet it also pertains to something else as well…our bodies. If we are fitness enthusiasts we tend to care about our bodies…maybe too much at times. Yet, in terms of the spiritual world, they are fleeting too. I think it is good, every so often, to contemplate vanity. Its counterpart, pride, is said to be the root of all of our sins, and is one of the Seven Capital Sins. We can fall prey to this sin when we place too much importance on our appearance. Let’s face it, one of the main reasons most of us exercise is because of the way it makes us look. Sure, there are plenty of other good reasons; health, wellness, mental and emotional well-being, and so on. We all know that exercise keeps us strong and healthy throughout all the stages of our life. But the bottom line is that for many of us, the main motivator for working out is our physical appearance. The definition of vanity (often called vainglory) is excessive pride in one’s appearance. Also… clinging to things without solidity and permanence (such as physical beauty). [Read more…]

Healthy Meals for New Parents

food I ran into a friend the other day whose son had recently been in the hospital. I asked him if I could bring a meal over, and his response surprised me a little. He said, “Thank you, but no! We have to start eating lighter now. Everyone has been so kind, but I’ve had enough carbs to last a long time!” He wasn’t being rude, he was simply saying what a lot of us know is true; that the meals most of us bring to families are laden with carbs and sugar. I am guilty. I have a staple recipe called Chicken Pasta Casserole, and that is what I normally bring to families, along with bread and salad. I also typically throw in some brownies for dessert! This conversation got me thinking about different meals that might be better choices for new moms (or anyone else who might need a meal) instead of the standard fare. In searching for an answer to this question, I found a great site called Annie’s Eats…, and she had an article in her archives about this very subject: Meals for New Parents. Summer seems just the time to send meals using fresh fruits and veggies, and to try something new!

What are some healthy non-traditional meals that you have shared with other families in need?

Why Run a 5K?

runnersI would like to qualify this by saying that I really don’t like running the 5K distance. It hurts too much. There is no padding in it. That is exactly what I was thinking when I lined up at the starting line on Sunday night (July 3rd) for the Firecracker 5K in Charlotte. Why was I doing this to myself? Actually it wasn’t just me. My son Peter (15) and daughter Annie (13) were doing it as well. The worst part was that it was an evening race, and it was 93 degrees by our car’s thermometer. We had to walk a few blocks from where we parked to the start, and I looked at my sweat-filled shirt before the race began and thought it looked more like I was at the finish of a race rather than start of one. [Read more…]

The Rule of 70

pizza-junk-food-600A lot of people ask two questions: 1. How much of weight loss comes from diet? and; 2. How much of weight loss comes from exercise? These are very good questions. While important, they ignore another component – genetics. Our DNA certainly plays a key role in the size and build of a person. In our family, I have really seen how this is manifested in our children. Even with the same parents, not all of our children are built the same. So, after considering the genetic aspect, then it comes down to diet and exercise, which are the two components we can control. While it might be easy to assume that it would be about 50/50 (diet/exercise), I think it is really more like 70/30, which is why I call this the “Rule of 70”. [Read more…]