My whole family was together for the Fourth of July! That is a rare thing. Needless to say, there was a lot of cooking going on. Usually it’s November or December when my older children are all home together, and it’s pies, cookies and other comfort foods being prepared in the Hetzel kitchen. Summertime brings different kinds of comfort food! Having been to Italy a few times, Caprese salad is a favorite of mine. Since I don’t fancy myself as a very good cook (I feed people), Caprese salad is one dish I know I can’t really mess up. It is healthy, quick, and really tasty. There are a lot of different ways to make it, but my favorite is with big, thick, ripe tomatoes, thin slices of buffalo mozzarella cheese, and large pieces of fresh basil. A drizzle of olive oil, and a dash of garlic salt to top off…viola, a perfect summer salad!
What is your favorite summer salad for hot, July days?
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